Neo holds PU

Neo 36 PU

Neo 36 PU 67.34 EUR

Neo - PU Holds - Absolute -  12 Units - Size XS - Slopers/positive - Screw-ons  
5,5x4x1,5 cm, 5,5x3x1 cm, 6x5x1,5 cm, 7,5×5,5×1,5 cm, 6×4,5×1,5 cm, 7x5x2,5 cm, 6×4,5×2 cm, 6×3,5×2 cm, 2x 7×4,5×1,5 cm, 5,5x4x1 cm, 6×3,5×1 cm


A set of 12 x-small screw-ons with some variety in angles and positivity within the set. Bringing variety to a range of 100 PU Absolutes shapes.