Led Holds

 Tension Board set 2.0 -  8X10 8412.6 EUR Tension Board 2.0 climbing grip set for the wall size 8 x 10 (244cm x 305cm). In this set you get 267 climbing holds including all accessories.
 Tension Board set 2.0 -  8x12 10386.69 EUR Tension Board 2.0 climbing grip set for the wall size 8 x 12 (244cm x 366cm). In this set you get 328 climbing holds including all accessories.  
 Tension Board set 2.0 - 12x12 14756.31 EUR Tension Board 2.0 climbing grip set for the wall size 12 x 12  (366cm x 366cm). In this set you get 498 climbing holds including all accessories.  
School/Beginner Led Board (240 Led holds + free application) 4840.0 EUR 12 Climb - 240 holds+ led + free application fit on a panel of 3x4 meters. holds with backlight and controlled by a mobile application through Bluetooth. Join a global network of professional...
Kilterholds -  8x12 Auxiliary 7057.93 EUR KILTERHOLDS + LED lights : 8x12 Auxiliary
Kilterholds -  8x12 Fullride 14395.35 EUR KILTERHOLDS + LED lights :8X12 Fullride
Kilterholds -  8x12 Mainline 8830.02 EUR KILTERHOLDS + LED lights : 8x12 Mainline
Kilterholds -  8x12 Original Layout 12359.91 EUR  KILTERHOLDS + LED lights : 8x12 Original Layout 8' wide, 12' tall upper board, 1-3' exposed kickboard 209 bolt-on holds, 102 screw-on holds 630 LED kit All 198 handholds are unique, no more than 2...
Kilterholds - 10x12 Auxiliary (holds+led) 9457.94 EUR KILTERHOLDS + LED lights : 10x12 Auxiliary   Prices for Kilterboard holds are subject to change without prior notice due to fast price increases, depending on the supplier‘s notice and constant...
Kilterholds - 10x12 Fullride (holds+sets) 17787.74 EUR KILTERHOLDS + LED lights : 10x12 Fullride   Prices for Kilterboard holds are subject to change without prior notice due to fast price increases, depending on the supplier‘s notice and constant...
Kilterholds - 10x12 Mainline (holds+led) 10633.42 EUR KILTERHOLDS + LED lights : 10x12 Mainline   Prices for Kilterboard holds are subject to change without prior notice due to fast price increases, depending on the supplier‘s notice and constant...
Kilterholds - 12x12 Fullride (holds+led) 17223.52 EUR KILTERHOLDS + LED lights : 12x12 Fullride
Kilterholds - 16x12 Original Layout (holds+led) 20008.69 EUR KILTERHOLDS + LED lights : 16x12 Original Layout
Kilterholds - Expansion set 12x12 to 16x12 (holds+led) 5898.75 EUR KILTERHOLDS + LED lights : Expansion set 12x12 to 16x12
Kilterholds -  7x10 Full Ride 8857.14 EUR KILTERHOLDS + LED lights : Full Ride 7x10 Full Ride (Mainline + Auxiliary) for 7x10: The complete 7x10 Kilter Board Home Wall layout: 305 bolt-on holds. The Full Ride fills in all the standard 20cm...
Kilterholds -  7x10 Mainline 5408.64 EUR KILTERHOLDS + LED lights : Mainline Pack for 7x10 Mainline Pack for 7x10: 165 bolt-on holds that tend to be more generous, with a variety of crimps, edges, pinches, slopers, incut ears, and...